Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Prgramming my Character

There are many different elements I want to code into my character. For starters, he needs the basic abilities to run and jump, which is by far the easiest part. This is so I can add in obstacles for the player to navigate through, similar to games like Mario or MegaMan. Next, I want him to have at least one basic attack, but I would prefer two if I can handle it. For one I need to program him to be able to shoot projectiles that fly straight, go at a set speed, and damage enemies or destructible pieces of the environment. For his second attack, I want him to have a sword slice that can hurt enemies closer to him, most likely at higher damage. The hardest part of this will be to program the animations to work in tandem with the code, so that that the Chameleon will clearly show what actions he is performing. Then, there are smaller elements that will add a lot of flair to my game. This includes sound effects that will play when he jumps, when he shoots, or when he swings his sword. I also want to have the Chameleon flash when he gits hit to show the player that they have taken damage. Something that I will tackle at a later date will be the UI, or user interface, which includes a health bar, amount of lives, or ammo. This will be a crucial part to the game because the player needs to know how much of those things they have so that they can accordingly.
Me working in Unity

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