Thursday, March 24, 2016

Level Map

So the images below are my plan for my level. As this is a candy factory, I wanted to include a lot of industrial motifs, like conveyor belts, storage crates, and huge crushers (I nicknamed them Candy Crushers). I tried to incorporate elements of good level design like I explained in one of my other posts. I definitely applied the concept of teaching the player mechanics in a controlled environment before testing them in a dangerous one, which can be seen with the placement of the conveyor belts, crushers, and mini bosses. I also tried to keep the level varied by consistently adding what I thought were new or interesting elements or by presenting a player with a decent challenge using previously introduced elements in a different way. I apologize if it is a little hard to follow, as I made it more to keep myself on track than to show others, but I really just wanted to share it.
Part one of the map. Starts in lower left corner.

Part two of the map. Starts in upper left corner.

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